Scala Center Is Accepted as a Mentor Organization for GSoC 2023!

Scala Center


We are excited to announce that the Scala Center has been accepted as a mentor organization for Google Summer of Code 2023!

If you are looking to contribute to the Scala community, this is the perfect opportunity to work on exciting projects and gain valuable experience with guidance from experienced mentors. To participate, please check out all the proposed projects at and get in touch with the mentors for the project you are interested in.

The GSoC contributor application opens on March 20th at 18:00 UTC and closes on April 4th at 18:00 UTC. Reach out to our mentors to discuss project ideas and submit your application before the deadline!

Scala has been participating in Google Summer of Code since 2010, and we are committed to providing an awesome experience going forward. For this year’s edition, we have gathered a team of 5 experienced mentors and 10 exciting project ideas for you to work on!

At the Scala Center, we strongly believe that diversity and inclusivity are crucial for creating a vibrant and thriving community. We actively encourage and support individuals from underrepresented groups to participate in the Scala ecosystem, and we believe that Google Summer of Code is an excellent opportunity to achieve this goal. Our commitment is to make a positive impact by ensuring that every individual feels welcome and valued in the Scala community.

Please spread the word, engage with your networks, and let potential contributors apply. We look forward to mentoring and welcoming new Scala contributors in 2023!