First Scala Platform meeting

Jorge Vicente Cantero


On 17th January, the Scala Platform Committee had its first meeting. With it, we kicked off the creation of the Scala Platform and begin the incubation period for two libraries in the Scala ecosystem!

Incubation period

The incubation period gives library maintainers time to create a Community around the project, integrate with the Scala Platform infrastructure, and take time to plan releases and clean up public APIs. It will end when library maintainers feel the library is ready for shipping with the Scala Platform, in which case the Scala Platform Committee will vote its final acceptance.

Progress on the meeting

The meeting focused around two main topics:

  • Discussing high-level aspects of the Scala Platform Process; and
  • Reviewing three Community proposals to add projects to the Scala Platform. These are:
    • Better-files: A new IO module to replace the one in the standard library.
    • Enumeratum: A library to write type-safe, deserializable enumerations in Scala.
    • Scala JSON AST: A JSON AST that provides long-term binary compatibility and interop among Scala libraries.

Out of those proposals, the Committee decided to incubate Better files and Scala JSON AST, while postponing the decision of adopting Enumeratum to our next meeting. For more information on the meeting and the discussions, check the minutes and the broadcast meeting video.

Get involved!

At the Scala Center, we are very happy to see this collaborative effort get on track. In the upcoming days, we will work with library maintainers to improve the Scala Platform infrastructure, incubate the modules and ensure that the Community can contribute by opening pull requests, improving documentation and participating in discussions at the Issue Tracker.

Chime in and get involved! We’re waiting for you on Scala Contributors.