Phil Bagwell Nominations

Josh Suereth


Hello Scala Community!

It is almost Scala Days and that means it is time to select Phil Bagwell award winners! This year, we are taking the time to formalize the rubric used to select winners, as well as make it more obvious who makes the decisions.

We have drafted the formal rubric here, for all to read. The essential gist is:

  • We recognize people who make us proud to be part of the community
  • Winners should contribute their time in one or more of the following:
    • Technical Contribution
    • Activism
    • Evangelism

Additionally, the committee to select award winners will consist of Martin Odersky and all previous winners of the award (who have time to take part).

The selection process will first involve soliciting nominations from the community. Please let us know who you think meets the published rubric and why. The committee will hold voting later in March to select the 2018 and 2019 winners and they will be announced at Scala Days 2019 in Lausanne.

So, please submit your nominations!

Looking forward to hearing from you all,

Josh Suereth, on behalf of the Phil Bagwell Award committee