Rob Norris joins Scala Center’s Advisory Board as a new Community Representative

Darja Jovanovic


The Scala Center Advisory Board welcomes Rob Norris as a Community Representative.

Rob succeeds Lars Hupel in the Community Representative role. (Bill Venners continues as the other Community Representative.)

The Scala Center team sincerely thanks Lars for his great work since the beginning of the Center three years ago. He has written and presented community proposals (see: SCP-011; SCP-013) and relayed community feedback and sentiment to the board.

We are grateful that Rob has accepted our invitation, and we look forward to working together during his time on the board.

Rob, aka tpolecat, is familiar in the Scala community for:

  • his leadership role in Typelevel
  • his popular open-source projects, including Doobie (a database library) and Tut (a tool for machine-checked documentation)
  • his many conference talks on pure-functional programming
  • his tireless efforts on Gitter and IRC to help newcomers learn Scala and functional programming

At his day job, he writes Scala code at the Gemini Observatory, supporting astronomy research. 🔭✨

Keep reading to find out more about the Community Representative role, how to get in touch, share your opinion or submit a proposal.

Did you know? The Scala Center’s Advisory Board is a forum for proposing and discussing initiatives which benefit the Scala open-source ecosystem or the Scala educational landscape. Each board member, in consultation with the Scala Center, may propose initiatives for consideration. We expect the initiatives to cover a variety of different activities in the Scala community, including (but not limited to):

  • Development and maintenance of open-source Scala libraries
  • Producing documentation and learning materials
  • Developing tools and services of benefit to the Scala community as a whole

Did you know? The community representative role is to be:

  • Spokesperson for the Scala community at Advisory Board quarterly meetings
  • Gathering and expressing community’s opinion on certain topic related to Scala Center proposals
  • Point of contact for community members/groups to review and help shaping community proposals
  • Presents and defends community proposals at AB meetings

Feel free to contact our Representatives by filling in this short form.

Did you know? Advisory Board members are eligible to send in a project proposal that they believe the Scala Center should work on. As part of the Board, the community is invited to submit proposals, through the Community Representatives. Check out the proposal template or previous proposals.

Did you know? The Scala Center turned 3 years old, check out our first announcement back in 2016, or watch this short video where Martin explains how the idea came about. We also recommend to watch Prof. Heather Miller’s full talk, to understand better how Scala Center fits in the wider effort of open source sustainable development.

For more useful topics, check out:

Scala Center activities, Scala Center AB minutes