Participate in the Scala Survey 2022!

Kacper Korban, VirtusLab

Scala Survey 2022 Announcement

The Scala Team wants to hear from you!

We want to make the language we all love as amazing as possible. We want to know which way the Scala community is moving and which parts of the Scala language you utilize the most. That’s why we invite you to help by participating in the Scala Survey 2022.

Scala Survey 2022

The Survey will close on 21.10.2022.

About the survey

Completing the survey should take 4-12 minutes, and is anonymous.

Your responses will help us understand Scala’s strengths and weaknesses. They will also help in guiding the development priorities for the Scala team.

We are interested in learning what libraries and tools people are using, what platforms they support, the future direction of tooling focus, where people are learning to use scala/training engineers, etc.

Who is the survey intended for? Everyone. Whether you’re an experienced Scala Developer or just starting your Scala journey, we count on your participation.

After the survey closes, we will publish the aggregated results on the Scala blog.

What else can I do to help?

Spread the word! Help us get answers from as many diverse groups as possible. So share the survey on social media, in your office, at your university, at meetups, and in other communities.