sbt Plugins Community Repository

Julien Richard-Foy, Scala Center

On the 7th of April 2023, many Scala builds stopped working because an outage affected the sbt community repository. In this blog post, we describe the sbt community repository, report on the incident, and outline actions taken so far. There will be more action in the future and a followup blog post.

Update: we have announced our action plan on the Contributors Forum.

The Incident

On the 7th of April 2023, many projects of the Scala ecosystem could not resolve sbt plugins from the community repository anymore (examples here, here, here, and here).


To understand what happened, here is some background information. sbt plugins are packaged as modules published to Ivy or Maven repositories. Historically, sbt plugins used to be published primarily to the sbt community repository hosted on Bintray. However, in 2021, JFrog sunsetted the Bintray service. Since then, JFrog has provided the Scala Center a cloud-hosted Artifactory instance for free. As explained in the release notes of sbt 1.5.1, this Artifactory instance is used as a read-only repository to host all the sbt plugins that were published to the community repository at that time, but the recommendation to plugin authors was to switch to the Maven Central repository.

In practice, the Artifactory instance sponsored by JFrog expires automatically after a year, and we have to explicitly ask for renewal. What happened the 7th of April is that the instance expired without prior notice. Thankfully, Eugene Yokota, the maintainer of sbt, promptly asked JFrog to renew the Artifactory instance, which they generously did. After a couple more technical steps, everything was back to normal.

Current State

Thanks to the efforts of Eugene Yokota and the support from the company JFrog, the situation is now back to normal: the read-only repository backed by an Artifactory instance works again and all the Scala builds should be able to resolve their plugin dependencies as before.

However, as mentioned by Seth Tisue in a comment, the event highlighted a weakness in the Scala ecosystem infrastructure.

In practice, what do we rely on the sbt community repository for?

The sbt community repository has two primary purposes:

  1. It hosts “old” versions of sbt plugins that may still be used today in Scala projects. It is important to note that those sbt plugins are not necessarily that old. Some of them are stable and they simply didn’t get a new release in the past two years, meaning that they had no chance to migrate to Maven Central.
  2. It also hosts the Linux packages (deb and rpm) of sbt releases. Note that that part is not read-only: Eugene Yokota still publishes new sbt releases there. These packages are used by all the Scala developers who install sbt via a Linux package manager (and by many Docker images that provide sbt).

Lastly, it also hosts old releases of sbt (before the 1.x era) and Play framework.

For the record, here is the exhaustive list of URLs and their respective content:

  • - sbt plugins for sbt 1.x, 0.13.x, 0.12.x etc.
  • - sbt main artifacts prior to sbt 1.x, and other artifacts such as Play.
  • - sbt DEB installers.
  • - sbt RPM installers.

Next Steps

The outage lasted less than 24 hours and impacted many developers. In response to the incident, several members of the community started investigating solutions.

Matthias Kurz looked at the sbt plugins that are used in his machine and that are currently hosted only on He then created issues on the corresponding GitHub repositories to migrate them to Maven Central, and even submitted pull requests to perform that migration for some of those projects.

Johannes Rudolph, Eugene Yokota, and Chris Kipp followed up by migrating the projects sbt-revolver, sbt-sdlc, and sbt-license-report to Maven Central.

We encourage every sbt plugin maintainer to publish their releases to Maven Central if this is not the case already.

Eugene Yokota, who is also the community representative of the Scala Center Advisory Board, submitted a proposal to plan and manage the sbt community repository. While the proposal has not yet been approved by the Advisory Board, we, the Scala Center, have started our own investigations to ensure the continuity of the sbt ecosystem. We will let you know as soon as we settle on a plan.