The Scala Week in Madrid

Anatolii Kmetiuk (Scala Center)

The Scala Week in Madrid

After almost four years, we can meet again. The whole Scala Center team is coming to Madrid in September for the Scala Days conference and we hope to see you there! Check out the conference program and read further about the co-located events we are holding before and after the main Scala Days event. Use code ScalaCenter25 for 25% off or apply for a scholarship here.

Free and co-located

We are delighted to announce the exciting, free, and accessible co-located events about Scala! Starting from the 11th of September, 2023, the Scala Center team will be hosting a series of activities at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (located at Sede Madrid-Argüelles, C. de Quintana, 21, 28008 Madrid, Spain). This is a unique opportunity for Scala enthusiasts, maintainers, and newcomers to come together, share knowledge, and contribute to the vibrant Scala ecosystem.


We are happy to be hosting Scala Bridge on the 12th of September, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the University of Madrid. ScalaBridge is an introductory event designed to onboard people without prior exposure to Scala. This event is open to all who are keen on starting their journey with Scala. Register here

Scala Spree

The Scala Spree is scheduled for the 15th of September at 1:30 PM in Room 101 of the University of Madrid. The Spree brings together the Scala community to hack on open-source projects of local authors. If you’re a local OSS maintainer or a contributor eager to participate, this event is a great opportunity to interact and collaborate. Register here.

Tooling Summit & SIP Meeting

Besides the events open to the whole community, we will be conducting in-person meetings between people involved in various Scala-related groups and committees. We are organising the second iteration of the Tooling Summit. The Tooling Summit is a bi-annual gathering of the Scala tooling stakeholders where we ensure all tooling teams are in sync with each other and the compiler team. We will be following up on the progress done since the last Tooling Summit and discussing the steps to take for the future development of the tooling ecosystem. Another event we are organising is the Scala Improvement Process (SIP). This process is crucial for deciding how the Scala language evolves, taking into account the opinions of all stakeholders. In-person summits of such kind are indispensable for better cohesion between all the stakeholders, as online platforms can only do so much in terms of forging connections.

We look forward to a productive and engaging week of Scala at the University of Madrid! Big thanks to the local Scala Madrid user group for their support in organising this event, and big thanks to Habla Computing, the functional architecture studio, for sponsoring the event:

Habla Computing

Stay tuned for more information and updates on these events.

Here is a brief summary about all the events:

Event When Where Accessible to public Registration Link
SIP 11th Sept 17:30 N/A
Scala Bridge 12th Sept 9:00 - 15:00, Room TBD Register here
Tooling Summit 12th Sept 8:30, Room TBD N/A
Scala Spree 15th Sept 13:30, Room 101 Register here