The Scala Center is participating in Google Summer of Code 2024

Anatolii Kmetiuk, Scala Center

We are pleased to announce the Scala Center was accepted into Google Summer of Code 2024! This year again, we will be welcoming beginner contributors into the world of Scala open source projects.

Google Summer of Code is a program run annually by Google to stimulate the open source world, to give an opportunity for beginner contributors to start their OSS journey. Under the program, Google issues stipends to beginner contributors to work on OSS projects during Summer.

We are currently at the beginning of the admissions process for the new contributors. Until 18th of March, prospective contributors are encouraged to look through the list of the projects offered by the Scala Center organisation for this year’s GSoC, and reach out to the mentors of the projects they are interested in. During this period, you have an opportunity to engage with the mentors informally, discuss the project details, see if you are a good fit for each other.

The most convenient channel to engage with the mentors is writing them an email. With each project at the project list above, you will find a mentor and their email - write them a short message introducing yourself and your background, stating your interest in the project, and expressing your wish to discuss it further during a video interview. It’s as simple as that, and our mentors will be happy to take your onboarding experience from there!

From 18th of March and until April 2nd, prospective contributors formally apply to participate in the program with Google. A proposal involves a written PDF document describing the your objective during the program, the timeline, the impact etc - for more information, see the official guide by Google, or ask the mentor you’ve been in touch with!

We encourage new Scala programmers with a passion for open source to apply!

Please note that the program is aimed at giving an opportunity to people who would otherwise not have it. It is NOT a freelance job, hence, even if you are perfectly qualified skill-wise to do the job, you may still not be selected, as we aim to maximise the learning benefits from the participation in the program. Please refer to the rules in the official Scala Center GSoC repo.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the program!