Announcing the Scala Ambassadors initiative

The Scala Center

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Scala Ambassadors initiative.

This new effort aims to:

  • Strengthen the Scala community
  • Promote a positive image of Scala
  • Recognize and support the independent work of active community members

What are Ambassadors? 🤔

Ambassadors are key figures in the Scala community: speakers, organizers, teachers, content creators, open source maintainers, and so on.

Ambassadors have volunteered to work with the Scala Center and the community to:

  • Help newcomers learn Scala and become part of the community
  • Improve communication between everyone involved with Scala
  • Aid and support each other’s efforts

We encourage Ambassadors to:

  • Be present whenever possible at their local community events
  • Start new community events if they aren’t already happening
  • Be visible to other community members as Ambassadors
  • Be perceived by the other community members as go-to people to find high quality answers to Scala-related questions
  • Relay community feedback to the Scala organization

Ask an Ambassador! 🙋

How can Ambassadors help you, as a Scala user?

We aim to put active and helpful individuals, both locally and online, on your radar.

Whether you have a question about how to start speaking at a conference or organize a local meetup, or you’re not sure about your next steps in Scala, these are people you can reach out to.

Empowering Ambassadors 💪

The Scala Center will provide and foster a space for the Ambassadors to help each other and discuss topics that arise in their community work.

We will also support them by promoting their activities on the Scala organization’s social media. This way, the Ambassadors will gain more visibility and their work will gain more reach.

Launching 🚀

The Center selects Ambassadors who have:

  • Strong knowledge of Scala and its community
  • A positive track record of activity in the community – conferences, meetups, forums, chat rooms, open source projects, and so on
  • No track record of unprofessional behavior

Currently, we are in the process of selecting and onboarding the first group of Ambassadors. A few of them are already listed here:

At the moment the list is short, but we aim to make it much longer in the coming weeks and months.

Stay tuned for more information about the Scala Ambassadors initiative and the Ambassadors themselves! This is only our first blog post on the subject.

Becoming an Ambassador 🪴

We’ll cover this in a subsequent blog post.

Background 📔

The Ambassadors initiative was first publicly mentioned in the Center’s Roadmap for 2024. We invite you to peruse the whole roadmap, if you haven’t already.

The initiative first took concrete shape at Scalar 2024 in Warsaw, at which many of our first batch of ambassadors were present. Thanks to the conference organizers and to everyone who participated in these discussions.